Driver Detective , Download
The Search for Your PC Device Drivers Ends Here!
The Machine Intelligence feature in this standout driver update product recommends drivers specific to the user's PC make and model - something no other driver product does. Also recommends drivers for custom motherboards!
Driver Detective uses its proprietary “machine intelligence” to instantly identify your pc’s make and model and provide you with the most up to date driver for your pc devices. What this means is that if you have a Dell, Compaq or HP computer, Driver Detective will only recommend the most current drivers that are specific to the make and model of your pc.
Driver Detective Features include:
Automatically identifies the specific make and model of your computer and provides you with right device drivers using its “Machine Intelligence”
Scans and identifies outdated drivers on your pc and instantly locates the most recent device driver available for immediate download.
Employs industry leading Driver Scanning Engine (DSE): build on the latest technology with extensive experience in the scanning and detection industry.
Backup all your device drivers to a portable storage device using its driver backup wizard.
Creates migration CD for your operating system upgrades or downgrades.
5 Reasons Why You Need to Keep Your Driver Software Up to Date
Have you ever wondered what makes the key components of your computer peripheral’s work, such as the printer, scanner, or video card? The answer comes from the driver software, which aids in the communication between the computer’s brain and its components. Just as the name suggests, the computer’s drivers are what help keep your peripherals running smoothly and working properly. The way you can keep them working is to perform regular maintenance by checking for updates to the software. Here are five important reasons why you need to make sure you always have the most up to date software for your pc devices.
Updates may contain bug fixes: Many times when any type of software is released, it may contain errors in the programming, or bugs, which may not be evident until it is used over a period of time on different computers. By downloading the driver software updates from time to time, you can ensure that any programming glitches are fixed, which will keep your computer and hardware in smooth working order.
Updates can improve performance: After a device is released, often the programmers continue to work on them, making improvements to the driver software which can help speed up the communication between your device and the main computer. By making sure that you have the most recent driver software update, you can keep your computer running at peak performance.
Updates may be needed when you change your operating system: If you are upgrading your operating system, you may need to install key driver updates for your system’s peripherals. Operating systems tend to be quite different from each other, and your old driver software may not be compatible with the new operating system. This problem can be solved by obtaining the appropriate system’s driver software updates. Many manufacturers will allow you to download these updates from their websites for free. After all, they want you to keep using their product.
Updates may contain security patches: On occasions, driver software may contain weaknesses in the programming of its security features. When you regularly check for and install any driver software update, you can be rest assured that you have the latest security patch for your computer’s peripherals.
Updates may have new, improved features: After hardware devices have been released to the public, the programmers may discover ways to improve its functionality, including the speed at which the computer communicates with the peripheral. When they improve or add new features, they place the coding in the driver software update. By periodically downloading new updates, you will be able to take advantage of these new improvements.
Keeping your driver software updated will help your computer in many ways, be it fixing a problem in the basic programming or adding new and improved features. Being vigilant in checking for these new updates will keep your computer and its peripherals running at peak performance.
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